Sometimes a fresh start is a good thing. Right? Sure! So, here I am starting a fresh. I think over the past year or so I lost my desire to blog. Mainly from the occasional "know it all" that would rain on my blog-parade. Ok, people just for the record... I am blogging because I can't afford a therapist. Plain and simple! Please don't complicate this anymore than it should be. I find pleasure in writing my feelings out and sharing the pains of my daily life. Not that anyone is truly interested. You get this, right?
Ok, moving right along... we finally had beautiful weather today. I am getting bored with the gloom of Ohio weather. You would think since I was raised here I would remember how unpredictable the weather can be. It's true what they say, "if you don't like the weather, stick around a little while and it will change." Yeah, whatever... it has been gloomy and rainy for weeks. I need sunshine! Perpetual sunshine! I want to capture it and stick in a box and harness it's happy rays. I need those good UVs to make me feel happy again. Plus, I will never be able to get my yard work done if it's always raining. I will never be able to get anything done if I don't get any sleep either. So, I will write more later on whatever grabs me... I need some sleep! Night!
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