Three years ago we removed all gluten and casein from my daughter's life on a suggestion from her Dr. Whether internally or on the skin, we made sure all things containing gluten or casein were banished, but not completely from the house. My husband and I still ate products that contained them. I tried to be very careful with cross contamination. We had a few infractions during this time. My elderly mother was living with us and she is old school... giving food is a sign of love. I think some of the worst infractions came from her unwittingly.
Although we decided to try this as an experiment to see if it would help with her autism (oh and it did!). It wasn't until later my daughter and I were tested for food allergies. I'm really glad we did this to see what other allergens we didn't know about. This is when I found out about my allergies to gluten and casein also.
Since I was a child I wondered about the times I couldn't finish our Saturday morning rituals of pancakes or pizza Friday nights. It always found me in the bathroom very sick and no energy for a couple days. I think I passed it off as it wasn't something I ate on a regular basis and it didn't agree with me. After the test results it made so much sense.
I've known for 2 years now I'm allergic to gluten and all dairy products. But, for some reason I'm still ingesting gluten and casein on a daily bases. I'm sick just about everyday and have little to no energy. Why in the world do I do this to myself? If you knew it wasn't good for you wouldn't you just stop? I honestly feel like an addict. I need to remember how I felt when I was "clean" for about 30 days. I felt so good! I know this may sound crazy, but I felt good in my head. I thought better and had more energy and with my daughter's autism on the daily agenda I need to have all the energy I can muster. Seriously, why is this so hard. I quit smoking.... I quit drinking or did I? I recently read an article of the connection between alcoholism and gluten allergy. I've wondered why in the past several years since I gave my life back to the Lord and quit drinking why I would crave the taste of a beer. I have struggled with this thinking what is wrong with my walk with the Lord can't I get this straight. But, after reading this article it all came together. I'm getting my gluten fix just not from beer. Now this puts an entire different spin on this. Wow!
In light of this, I'm taking the plunge again. Tomorrow is my d-day. I have to say I'm scared to death and I haven't a clue why. All I know is, I see people who are older than I who run circles around me. I'm tired of feeling poorly all the time. It's time! It's time to live healthier and think healthier. My family needs me and I need me to be better.
So you bad gluten and casein proteins be go with thee!! New recipes and feeling better come on in and sit down for awhile! Let's do this!!
Should I ask how this is going? I do the same thing with carbs. I feel better without them, but NOT eating them just seems nearly impossible. So, here's what I do, when I can - I just try to really monitory myself. Like, ONE bad carb a day (which may mean a donut, cookie, pancake, etc). Sometimes I can do it, sometimes not, but it's better than throwing in the towel and eating them all!! :)
I created a new group for parents of Christian Asperger kids. While I know that your daughter has full-fledged autism, I'd love to have you join me! I just started it today, so it's just me there so far! :)
Never mind. I deleted the group. Can't take anything else on right now. :)
I wish it were that easy for me. I have an actual allergy to gluten and casein. I've become physically sick from eating it. I miss the days of Bob Evan's pancakes. Boo hoo!! At least I have found a wonderful recipe.
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