Monday, June 27, 2011

Letting Go

When I think of those two words so many things come to mind. Like letting go of someone’s hand.

Letting go of holding your breath.

Letting go of a loved one who is leaving this realm for the next.

Letting go of a friendship that was and no longer is.

Letting go of hopes and dreams.

Let’s just face the cold, hard facts… letting go isn’t easy in any capacity.

Letting go is like admitting defeat. Letting go is like saying goodbye.

Letting go, although is mostly used in a negative form, can be used for the positive.

I’m letting go of negative thought processes. I’m letting go of my failures and believing in the possibilities again. I’m letting go of what I feel others think of me. I’m letting go of unforgiveness, bitterness and anger. I’m letting go of the past and embracing the future. Cause let’s face it, we really don’t want to relive the past no matter what we tell ourselves.

As for me, I let go along time ago of what I thought parenting was going to be like. I hadn’t a clue what was in store. Every child is different. Who knows what each little life will bloom into. To compare to others is almost guaranteeing certain death. Death to the possibilities of what he or she can become. It’s unhealthy expectations. Expecting them to live a life that wasn’t theirs to begin with. Why would I want her to be like someone else’s child anyway? But, we all do it. It’s human nature to want for them the same things we had and more.

I urge you to re-evaluate what you are holding onto that may not be healthy or is false. I challenge you to let go of unhealthy expectations of others, yourself and your child. I’m not saying not to pursue excellence. I’m saying take inventory. Make a pro and con list of your life and what is pushing you toward whatever goals you may have. Give yourself permission to grieve what you imagined life should have been like. Accept those for who they are . You know, it is what it is.

We may not have signed up for this. But someone thought we were perfect for the job!

Stay encouraged. Hug your loved ones a little tighter. Get a good night’s sleep and be sure to pray more everyday!

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