Sunday, May 18, 2008

Taking it back to basics

I have been trying to find natural recipes for household products and health & beauty products. I can't believe how many websites I actually found. I never thought I would consider making my own products. But, since my daughter was diagnosed with autism I realized the only way to help her recover completely is to remove all toxic substances from our home. Her poor body is already it's time to clean it up. Why not everyone get in on the action? Really it can't hurt anything.
I did find a great web page that has so many recipes I was so excited. I think I was on it for a few hours looking at all of the great ideas. I could try something new when I was done and never get bored. The options are endless. I am totally excited! Ok, I said that already. Did I say I was excited? Well, I am! This is wonderful. I can make our own products and not worry what is hidden that could potentially harm her. Rule of thumb, if you can't put it in your mouth, you shouldn't put it on your body. Why you ask? Well, your skin is the largest organ of your body and what goes on it will go through your skin and into your body. So think about it, we are poisoning ourselves with the crap we put on our bodies. Let alone what is in our foods already. It's crazy!
Anywho, if you are interested, you can check out this site.... They claim to have close to 800 recipes. I'm not kidding when I said I was on it for a few hours.
Check it out... you never know what you might learn. Plus, why in the world are we trying to kill ourselves with all of this man made junk anyway? It's not how God created it to be. So why not take it back to the basics? Just a thought.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Here's to blogging again...

Sometimes a fresh start is a good thing. Right? Sure! So, here I am starting a fresh. I think over the past year or so I lost my desire to blog. Mainly from the occasional "know it all" that would rain on my blog-parade. Ok, people just for the record... I am blogging because I can't afford a therapist. Plain and simple! Please don't complicate this anymore than it should be. I find pleasure in writing my feelings out and sharing the pains of my daily life. Not that anyone is truly interested. You get this, right?

Ok, moving right along... we finally had beautiful weather today. I am getting bored with the gloom of Ohio weather. You would think since I was raised here I would remember how unpredictable the weather can be. It's true what they say, "if you don't like the weather, stick around a little while and it will change." Yeah, whatever... it has been gloomy and rainy for weeks. I need sunshine! Perpetual sunshine! I want to capture it and stick in a box and harness it's happy rays. I need those good UVs to make me feel happy again. Plus, I will never be able to get my yard work done if it's always raining. I will never be able to get anything done if I don't get any sleep either. So, I will write more later on whatever grabs me... I need some sleep! Night!